Arjuna said: “What is the use to us of an existence with out heroic deeds, born as we are of an illustrious line? A Kshatriya though endowed with all other good qualities, will not become famous if he does not exert himself. Enthusiasm is the mother of success.

From the Mahabharata by Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa

Iceland was cold. Much colder than we expected. And rainier.

Yet for some strange reason, unbeknownst even to ourselves, we had taken upon us the task of encircling this magical island by bicycles.

And cycle we did. Through the lava fields surrounding Keflavik, across the sandy flatlands of the South, along the fjords by the Eastern coast and the desolate regions in the North. In all kinds of weather. But mostly bad.

While thus shivering from the cold in our small tent after a day of riding, writing a book about our experiences was very far from our thoughts. Our main goal being getting back home in one piece.

But eventually, and, it must be added, despite our best resistance, a book grew out of our journey. And perhaps rightly so.

For if the indeed exists, like the poet Mallarmé reputedly said, solely for the purpose of becoming a book, then surely Iceland deserves one more glorifying her!


Expedition No. 3 is a 288-page comic book about one couple’s journey around Iceland. The book comes perfect bound, with exquisite hard covers clad in red cloth, beautifully gold foiled both on front and back, as well as spine.

Separate dust jacket comes printed in four colors for maximum viewing sensation. Contents printed in two radiant colors throughout the book. A small gem of a book to treasure, if there ever was one!

Published in 2012 by Absolute Truth Press in Borgå, Finland.